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Project Teams

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Hawai‘i Island Agriculture Partnership

Strategies & Projects

HIAP focuses on three core strategy areas to strengthen the local ag system: 

  1. value chain development

  2. market development

  3. workforce development


​HIAP will help to facilitate strategy teams and facilitate dialogue to meet the

Partnership's collective goals.  


Increase agribusiness employment and technical skills


Increase infrastructure and services to expand crop aggregation and processing


Increase capacity to build the cluster's competitiveness

Capacity Building to Support the Build Back Better Coalition

County of Hawaiʻi Department of Research and Development (COH R&D)

Closing Loops in Nutrient Management on Hawaiʻi Island

BIRCDC/ Māʻona Community Gardens

Hilo Food Hub

Hoʻōla Farms

Market Systems Development Initiative (MSDI)

Hāmākua Institute

Restoring Agroforestry Systems and Strengthening Farmer Networks

Big Island Resource Conservation and Development Council (BIRCDC)/ Hawaiʻi ʻUlu Cooperative

UH Agricultural Extension, Research & Pathways

University of Hawaiʻi (UH)

Capital Improvements to Honalo Marshaling Yard

HI Dept of Agriculture/ Hawaiʻi ʻUlu Cooperative

Hawaiʻi Island Food and Agriculture Innovation Campus

The Food Basket

Infrastructure Recovery for Floriculture and Tree Crops

Synergistic Hawaiʻi Agriculture Council (SHAC)

Nā Waihona, Technical Assistance Initiative

The Kohala Center

Sustainable Resource Exchange, Management, and Education on Hawaiʻi Island

County of Hawaiʻi Dept of Environmental Management (DEM)

ʻOʻōkala Dairy

Hawaii Foodservice Alliance (HFA)

© 2021 by Hawai‘i Island Agriculture Partnership. Website Design by PECO Arts.

Photo credits to the amazing Andrew Richard Hara and Hoʻōla Farms

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